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Meaning And Origin

Skoden: The Native American Slang Term for "Let's Go!"

Meaning and Origin

WEB Skoden and Stoodis are two Native American slang terms that mean "let's go then" and "let's do this," respectively. These expressions are often used before a fight or a competition, and they convey a sense of determination and eagerness.

The term Skoden comes from the Muskogee (Creek) language, and it is commonly used by Native American youth across the United States and Canada.

Popularity and Significance

WEB Skoden has become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks in part to its use in the popular television show "Reservation Dogs." The show's creators have intentionally used the term to represent the Native American experience and to connect with the show's legion of indigenous fans.

Words such as Skoden should resonate with the show's legion of indigenous fans. You should be fine using them; I know that Skoden and Stoodis aren't exclusive to the Muskogee. The majority of First Nations/Native youth understand these terms.


Skoden is a powerful and meaningful term that embodies the spirit of Native American culture. Its use in "Reservation Dogs" has helped to raise awareness of Native American slang and has inspired a new generation of Native youth.
